Monday, August 28, 2006

I Hope Grad School Buys Me Dinner First

So my librarianing nemesis says to me the other day, "Stuuuckkiiinnggfuuuupiiid!!! I feel like I hardly ever get to talk to you anymore! Our lunch breaks are all over the place and... well... I got to get going but I will definitely talk to you later. Good night!"

Well played bitch. You may be able to fool other people with your dog and pony show, but I see right through your seemingly genuine warmth and sacchrine smile (sweet but artificial)!

My guess is that you're done crotcheting a voodoo doll of me or your adding the finishing touches to a manifesto on why I should be fired, expelled, and never allowed to work in a library again. Either way I am on to you. ON TO YOU. You sleep with one eye open and with a baseball bat.

Now my friend keeps trying to make me sound like I'm being ridiculous about my librarianing nemesis because today the map librarian made a similar grad-school-is-going-to-bend-you-over-and-have-its-way-with-you comment (I believe his exact words were "Ready for the end of your life tomorrow"), but I prefer to think that he was joking around while she had malice intent. INTENT IS EVERYTHING.

For instance, nipple is a pretty innocuous word but add you to make it "you nipple" and behold! You have a very biting (if not perplexing) insult that tells someone that they are useless!

Yeah. Rock solid point.

I forgot what I was talking about. Nipples are funny.

Bah. I need to go I have a lot to do before my last day ever.



At 11:17 PM, Blogger Polt said...

"librarianing nemesis"


Ya know, THIS is what action films need! You put one of those up again Sly, or Ah-Nold, or Bruce Willis, or Alkie-Mel Gibson, and see who wins!

That, I would pay money to see!

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Logan said...

Tomorrow's not allowed to be your last day. Who'd blog about it then?


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