Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I Really Should Get A Hobby Other Than Severing All Human Contact I Have


Today while I was pretending to work, I found something very interesting on MySpace (which by the way fellas I will add those of you who asked in due time... keep a look out for a big-headed kid with glasses trying to be your friend). In my search I entered in a bunch of random people's names and after exhausting my list from middle school, high school, and college I decided to start checking for the handful of people I know from my graduate school. And who's profile should I happen to stumble across? One of my fellow student assistants! You know the one who I wasn't sure whether he was gay or straight but then thought he had to be straight because he demonstrated bad taste in men. Well guess what.


This thrills me to no end. Even though it does ruin the monopoly I thought I had on being the only "gay" guy in the office... but he'll be leaving soon and then that just leaves me and the ambiguously gay librarian whose myspace I haven't found yet (lemme check.... okay nope).

I mean the student assistant is masculine in person (except for the occassional theatrical outburst) but his blog makes him sound almost as boy crazy as I am. (Speaking of boy crazy I saw Hotty McTightPants in the bathroom today and I'm pretty sure I heard him lining the seat with toile paper which makes me suspect that if he's not gay, at the very least he's a linesman in the ball park of sexuality. His sexuality is further confounded by the fact I saw him throw a piece of paper into the trash can and more importantly he made the shot which all looked a little too masculine and heterosexual for my tastes. Plus he's foreign so I have no clue how to tell if they're just gay or being European. I must continue to follow him around my floor of the library until I get to the bottom of this. Or he gets to the bottom of this. Hiyoooo!)

I don't know how to proceed from here though with the student assistant. I am very tempted to leave a comment to one of his blog entries, but I don't want to make him uncomfortable and feel like he has to censor himself because a coworker is watching. But then again that's never stopped me before and like I said he announced he'll be "retiring" from our department in a couple of weeks so this could make things interesting (office romance anyone? juuust kidding)

I'ma do it.

Details to come.




At 9:25 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Oooooh. We always loved us some office booty talk. If he's leaving, I say go ahead and tap that. Or, vice versa - whichever the case may be. And pronto with the details, too.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Drop him a line. It's no biggee. I know lots of people from work on MySpace. Just maybe don't post a comment of your wang.


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Polt said...

Ah the life a young gay stalker.

...happy memories... :)

At 9:42 PM, Blogger fairfromfair said...

Okay so I say leave the comment but make it really.... sort of fun/ambiguous. If he's aleavin' anyhow why not really have some fun. Unless of course you just want action and then flat out ask him for it!


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