Thursday, September 14, 2006

So Over Him

My former pretend future husband who doesn't know it yet keeps going on and on about how he's in love with this new guy and apparently they hung out last night, got drunk off of wine and beer, and then snuggled.

And I can honestly say, I don't care! Enjoy your cuddlefest. I hope you two live happily ever after. Getting hate crimed for holding hands in the park. Having gaybies together. Don't forget to go to Massachusetts and make a legitimate man out of him.

Whatever! Do what you want. See if I care, which I don't.

Yeah you're pretty. And he's pretty. And I'm lonely. But I'm happy for you and wish you the very very best.

With absolutely no resentment at all.


At all.


Stop looking at me like that. I'm very happy I swear. It would just be nice to have a man to spice things up a little down there. Someone to talk to, to hang out with whenever I want, to attend parties with me that I don't really want to go to alone, to move into a one bedroom apartment with because looking for a roommate SUCKS.

Sweet, sweet roommate purposes.

Oh and I guess someone loving you unconditionally would be pretty okay too. And not at all superficial.

Bah whatever! I'm married to grad school right now so it doesn't matter.

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.



At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are also a handy replacement for exercise equipment.

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Steve said...

Yeah. Grad school won't hog all of the bed, either.

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

I know the feeling. The guy I've been persuing ... slowly ... was just telling me about the INCREDIBLE sex he had the night before. And he kept going on about it. I finally had to have something "important come up" and get off the phone. I hate that feeling.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Polt said...

Hey, it's his loss. And ya know, maybe you could find a stalker or something to help you out with the needy part of yourself. :)

Grad school's better anyways. Won't hog the bed, indeed. And Grad school won't refuse to get you a towel after he's...finished his business on your face.

I'm just sayin.....


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